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售價:649 |
產品說明 PAUL&JOE 蜜糖指甲油N(10ML)使用方法:指甲油前適量塗刷於指甲上,亦可單獨使用。※因電腦螢幕設定及個人觀感之差異,本賣場之商品圖片僅供參考,以收到實際商品為準,請見諒※ 商品名稱:PAUL&JOE 蜜糖指甲油N(10ML)容量:10ML使用方法:指甲油前適量塗刷於指甲上,亦可單獨使用。注意事項:1.使用後若有過敏請即刻停止使用並請教醫師。2.請將商品放置陰涼處以避免變質。3.商品退貨時必須為全新狀態且完整包裝(包含主件、附件、內外包裝、隨機文件、贈品等),勿因消費者個人不當拆卸使用之人為因素造成商品之故障、毀損、磨損、包裝破損不完整。4.因電腦螢幕設定及個人觀感之差異,本賣場之商品圖片僅供參考,以收到實際商品為準,請見諒。5.正確效期請以實際出貨實品標示為主。 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Paul (2011) - IMDb
Directed by Greg Mottola. With Mia Stallard, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jeremy Owen. Two sci-fi geeks take a pilgrimage to America's UFO heartland. While there, they ... Paul the Apostle (c. 5 – c. 67), originally known as Saul of Tarsus, was an apostle (though not one of the Twelve Apostles) who taught the gospel of Christ to the ... Paul is a 2011 British-American science fiction comedy road movie directed by Greg Mottola and written by and starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. The film is about ... Paul Movie | Official Site for the The Paul Film movie available NOW on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital Download Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (*Hot Fuzz*, *Shaun of the Dead ... Jun 17, 2015 · Gastrodon : Paul's Gastrodon was the second Pokémon used against Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference, going up against Staraptor. Adapting Ash's ... PAUL&JOE; 蜜糖指甲油N(10ml)#01 |
資料來源:博客來 |